Check out the members below who might be in a similar situation to you, from a new joiner, all the way to thinking about retirement. See what they, and you, should be looking at next.

Liam, 66, is thinking about retiring

I’ve been in the Civil Service for my entire working life, in classic, and I’m thinking about retiring. I’m not sure how I go about claiming my pension, and how much I’ll get?

Mary, 54, is thinking about reducing her working hours

I’ve worked for NICS for 32 years. In that time, I’ve moved around a few departments, took some time off to have my two children and now I’m starting to think about taking things a little easier. I was thinking about going part-time but wasn’t sure about the effect it would have on my pension

I'm due to move into alpha soon, does working part time have the same effect on the alpha pension I'll build up?

Peter, 56, wants to retire at 60, and wants to start planning now

I’m in classic so I can retire at 60. My employer is offering a pre-retirement seminar, but I was wondering if there was anything else I could look into?

I have some savings too, and I’d like to use them to add a bit to my pension. Is there a way I can see how much pension this could buy me?

Classic, Classic Plus, Premium, Nuvos and alpha added pension calculator

Emma, 25, wants to know if her family will be looked after when she dies

I’ve recently had my first child and it’s got me thinking about the future. I want to make sure that my loved ones are looked after when I’m gone. What do I need to think about with regards to my pension?

Is there anywhere I can find out how the time off I had during my maternity leave will have affected my pension?

Kevin, 23, has just joined alpha and wants to find out more

I joined the Civil Service last year. I’m in something called the ‘alpha’ scheme but I don't really know much about it. I’ve heard my colleagues talking about their pension plans, buying EPA (whatever that means). I know my retirement is years away but what are the things I should be considering?

Mick, 60, wants to know more about partial retirement

I’m in the premium scheme and have recently started thinking about partial retirement.

I just want to find out more about it initially so I can decide whether it’s the right choice for me but don’t know where to start… I'm not ready to fully retire yet!

Karen, 56, wants to know more about the classic scheme

I’ve been a Civil Servant for 27 years. I’m in the classic scheme and will be coming up for retirement in five years’ time. It’s got me thinking that I need to get my affairs in order. Things like my partner and I have been together for 30 years but we're not married, what do I need to consider?

In classic, I know I get an automatic lump sum, is there a way I can find out how much I can increase the amount of lump sum that I can get?

lump sum calculator

Stephen, 41, wants more money for his retirement

I’ve heard about the Additional Voluntary Contributions that you can make so that I’ll have some extra money when I retire. Where can I find out more information so I can decide whether it’s the right thing for me?

I’m in alpha, is there anywhere I can look into the other options I have to increase my retirement pension?

Margaret, 49, is thinking about buying some added pension

As I get older, I've started to think about getting my retirement plans in order. I want to make sure I can enjoy my free time after working for so long. I've heard that I can buy added pension but I'm not sure what it involves

Where can I find out if, as an alpha member, I’m able to buy added pension?

David, 24, has just received his Pension Choices form

I’ve just received a form called ‘pensions choices’ and I’m not sure whether to pick partnership or alpha. Where can I get more information about the schemes?

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