Northern Ireland Civil Service Scheme Advisory Board (NICSSAB)

The Northern Ireland Civil Service Scheme Advisory Board (NICSSAB), is a body which was established on 1 April 2015 in accordance with the Public Service Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 2014.

About the Board

The Board is responsible for advising the Scheme Manager (the Department of Finance) on the desirability of changes to the scheme and on matters of policy.

The Board will also facilitate discussion between the department, civil service unions, employer representatives on policy development and policy implementation for the Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Scheme (NICSPS).

What the NICSSAB does not do

The NICSSAB does not have responsibility for the administration of the NICSPS.

NICSSAB composition

The NICSSAB is chaired by a senior departmental official at Grade 5 level. The chair is supported by one employer and employee representative drawn from the Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Board (NICSPB).

Current NICSSAB members

The current members are:

  • Colette Heaney - Chair
  • Michael Cowan (DoJ) – Employer Nominee
  • Maria Morgan (NIPSA) - Employee Nominee
  • Bumper Graham – NICS Pension Board Chair

Terms of reference

 Minutes of the NICSSAB meetings

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