Murphy seeks assurances on finances for EU Exit

Date published: 09 December 2020

Finance Minister, Conor Murphy has written to Michael Gove seeking assurances the financial consequences of leaving the EU will be met in full.

Finance Minister Conor Murphy smiling to camera

Highlighting the need for additional financial resources to support businesses Minister Murphy said: “I have been engaging with the British Government for some time on the additional resources needed to deliver the Protocol commitments in this financial year and into the future. Local businesses will need considerable practical and financial support to prepare and to deliver the new arrangements. With a small window of time left until we leave the EU its important certainty is provided as soon as possible.”

Minister Murphy has called for an increased contribution to the Peace Plus programme, adding: “The Peace Plus programme will be vitally important to continuing to fund peace and reconciliation initiatives. The Irish Government has proposed increasing their contribution and I would ask that the British Government increases its contribution proportionately as the Withdrawal Agreement anticipated.”

The Finance Minister also called for clarity on the Shared Prosperity Fund, continuing: “I am disappointed about the arrangements announced for the Shared Prosperity Fund which will see a one year gap in funding. We estimate this will reduce our spending power by some £70 million. This funding will be controlled by the British Government rather than by local Ministers which is unacceptable.

“I would ask our funding for next year and beyond is fully guaranteed and as the delivery structures are developed, our devolved responsibilities are respected.”

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