Stormont Estate needs your vote!

Date published: 15 September 2017

The Green Flag Award has opened voting for its People's Choice Award to find the UK's top 10 favourite parks.

Image of Stormont Estate with white text overlay about the Green Flag Awards Peoples choice vote

Stormont Estate, a Green Flag Award winning green space, is the only non-council managed park from Northern Ireland on the list of eligible parks you can vote for. 

You can vote anytime until the 30 September 2017. All you need to do is visit the Stormont Estate page at the link below and click the green voting button. Simple! You don't even need to register.

Find out more about the People's Choice Award on the Green Flag Award website.

We're currently looking for your views on the estate as part of our visitors survey. Find out more at the link below.

We'd love to see your photos of the estate! Tag the estate's Instagram @StormontEstate and give us a follow. You can also share your photos with us using #explorestormont on Twitter and Facebook.

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