Ó Muilleoir: New procedures will speed up European funding appraisal process

Date published: 19 July 2016

Finance Minister Máirtín Ó Muilleoir has increased the delegated authority levels for EU Peace IV and INTERREG VA programmes to speed up the appraisal process.

Finance Minister Máirtín Ó Muilleoir has increased the delegated authority levels for EU Peace IV and INTERREG VA programmes to speed up the appraisal process.

The Minister said: “In line with my pledge to maximise access to EU PEACE IV and INTERREG VA programmes at this uncertain time, my department is increasing delegated authority arrangements for departments from £2million to £5million.

“My department has conducted a review of the current process across departments and is content that the level of approvals already in place across the programme both at SEUPB level and individual department level provides sufficient control for projects with expenditure less than £5million. I’m committed to helping speed up the process and this action, the first major change since 2008, will shorten the approvals process by an average of three weeks. Fourteen projects in the first tranche will benefit immediately from this decision and it comes in advance of an important Steering Group meeting on 27 July.

"Only those projects with expenditure greater than £5million will now require Department of Finance (DoF) approval."

Notes to editors: 

  1. Under the previous appraisal process for EU programmes, departments were required to seek DoF approval for any planned expenditure over £2million.
  2. The PEACE IV and INTERREG VA Programmes EU Cross Border Programmes are managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB), a North/South Implementation Body co-sponsored by the Department of Finance in the north of Ireland and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform in the South.
  3. The PEACE IV Programme has a value of €269million (circa. £224million using 1.20 exchange rate) which has been designed to support peace and reconciliation by increasing social inclusion and building positive relations across communities, with a specific focus on children and young people.
  4. The cross-border INTERREG VA Programme has a value of €283million (circa. £236million) and aims to provide healthcare interventions, fund research & innovation for businesses, support natural habitats and protected species as well as reduce carbon emissions by encouraging increased use of public transport. The programmes operate within a clearly defined area including the north of Ireland and the Border Region and in the case of INTERREG VA, Western Scotland. For more information on the SEUPB please visit www.seupb.eu
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