DoF – Collaborative Arrangement – Provision of Electronic Office Supplies (Toner Cartridge) via CCS Framework RM 6299 – Lot 2 (ID 4670377)

Date published: 31 January 2017

Last updated: 27 June 2024

In this section download useful documents for public sector bodies interested in using this Lot 2 arrangement for Electronic Office Supplies (Toner Cartridges).  

The User Protocol document includes an overview of the arrangement, the process for joining it, the list of participating bodies, and the roles and responsibilities for contract management.

The Banner Account Set Up form is to be completed by new organisations wishing to use the arrangement. 

The Non-Disclosure Agreement document is ONLY to be completed by those wishing to access pricing information for the arrangement.

The Call-off Contract Terms document includes the agreed terms and conditions that will govern any subsequent arrangement between the supplier and the public entity / contracting authority.

View the summary contract information

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