European structural and investment fund programmes in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland benefits from a number of European structural and investment programmes as detailed below. Further information in respect of these programmes can be found at each of the managing authority webpages.

Investment for growth and jobs programmes (ERDF and ESF)

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Programme is focused on improving Northern Ireland's sustainable economic growth. The programme is delivered by the Department for the Economy (DfE) and focuses on priority areas:

  • promoting research and innovation
  • promoting small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) competitiveness, and
  • supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy

Information in relation to the ERDF Investment for Growth and Jobs (IGJ) Programme can be found at the dedicated IGJ ERDF website.

The European Social Fund (ESF) Programme addresses employment and social inclusion issues. The programme is delivered by the Department for the Economy (DfE) and focuses on priority areas:

  • promoting employment and supporting labour mobility
  • promoting social inclusion and combating poverty
  • investing in education, skills and life-long learning

Information in relation to the ESF Investment for Growth and Job (IGJ) Programme can be found at the dedicated IGJ ESF website .

Rural Development Programme (RDP)

The Rural Development Programme is aimed at improving competitiveness in the agriculture and forestry sector, safeguarding and enhancing the rural environment and fostering competitive and sustainable rural businesses and thriving rural communities. The RDP is delivered by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).

Information in relation to the RDP can be found at the DAERA website.

European territorial cooperation (ETC) programmes

The ETC Peace IV Programme focuses on:

  • shared education
  • children and young people
  • shared space and services and
  • building positive relations at the local level

The Peace IV Programme is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

Information in relation to the ERDF Peace IV Programme can be found at the SEUPB website.

The ETC Interreg VA Programme focuses on:

  • research and innovation
  • environmental protection and resource efficiency
  • social inclusion and combating poverty
  • sustainable transport

The Interreg VA Programme is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

Information in relation to the ERDF Interreg VA Programme can be found at the SEUPB website.

UK Fisheries Programme

Northern Ireland also participates in the UK Fisheries Programme under the Common Fisheries policy.

Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) portal

Information in relation to all european structural and investment funds available to the United Kingdom can be found at the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) UK wide portal

The policy issues set out in this section are reserved to the UK government. The appropriate whitehall department (eg BEIS, HMT, etc.) take the lead in producing UK positions and responses to proposals put forward by the European Commission.

In doing so, they consult with officials in the devolved administrations and the final UK documents are circulated to The Executive Office for endorsement.

You can also contact the DoF Strategic Funding Division for further information.  

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