Northern Ireland House Price Index - Quality assurance of administrative data

Date published: 24 April 2018

Last updated: 15 November 2023

This documents below provide information on the quality of the data used to produce the NI HPI report and the statistical time series. For further information, please click on the links below.

To further assure ourselves and users of the quality of our statistics, we have undertaken a thorough quality assessment of these data sources, following the Quality Assurance of Administrative Data (QAAD) toolkit, as described by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR). Using the toolkit, we established the level of assurance we are seeking (or “benchmark”) for each source. The assurance levels are set as either “basic”, “enhanced” or “comprehensive”, depending on:

  • the risk of quality concerns for that source, based on various factors, such as the source’s weight in the headline index, the complexity of the data source, contractual and communication arrangements currently in place, and other important considerations
  • the public interest profile of the item which is being measured, and its contribution to the headline index

Through engagement with our suppliers, we have assessed the assurance level that we have currently achieved by considering:

  • the operational context of the data; why and how it is collected
  • the communication and agreements in place between ourselves and the supplier the quality assurance procedures undertaken by the supplier
  • the quality assurance procedures undertaken by us

The three data sources of the NI HPI, Stamp Duty Land Tax, NI Valuation List and ACORN socio-economic category produced by CACI, have been assessed as Enhanced Assurance. More detail is available in the report for each data source.


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