Provision of brokerage, engineering and inspection services

This contract is for the provision of brokerage, engineering and inspection services.

Contract information

Project title: ID 2871916 DoF Provision of brokerage and engineering and inspection services

This contract was put in place through the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM 6020 Lot 1.  The contract includes evacuation chairs.

Only users already confirmed on the contract can avail of the services - other users wishing to on-board should contact CPD at the details below.

Estimated contract value £336,172.39
Contract start date 1 April 2021
Contract end date 31 March 2025
Extensions None
Primary contractor

ABL Group

Participating bodies

Any public body subject to NI Public Procurement Policy may choose to participate in this contract at any time (however you should contact CPD to initiate the process). This list may change from time to time, and any additional bodies may also choose to receive the services as a client. 

Links to further contract information

More information can be obtained from

CPD Collaborative Fleet Procurement Branch

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