CPD customer service standards

Read our customer service standards to understand the level of service you can expect from CPD when:

We make an appointment to see you

When we make an appointment to meet you we will aim to arrive promptly or, if you are calling to see us, see you at the appointed time. 

On occasions when we are delayed, due to circumstances beyond our control, we will make every effort to advise you of this and agree a new time.

You write to us or email us

When you write to us or e-mail us we will aim to do the following:

  • acknowledge all formal correspondence upon receipt and follow-up with a full reply within 10 working days
  • if we cannot give you a full reply within this timescale we will write to you and advise when you can expect to receive a response 
  • make sure all our correspondence is clear and presentable 

You contact us by telephone

You may phone us between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. When you phone us we will aim to ensure your call is answered promptly.

If the person you wish to speak to is not available, you may leave a message or we will try to get someone else who can help you. If we cannot help you immediately we will call you back before the end of the next working day.

If you do not have the direct line number of the member of staff you want to contact, our general enquiries number is 028 9081 6233.

We consult you

We are continually striving to improve our services and in doing so we believe it is essential to consult the people who use our services. In light of this, project specific questionnaires are issued to obtain feedback.

We do not meet your expectations

Although we aim to provide a high quality, efficient and professional service, things can occasionally go wrong and we are keen to learn from our mistakes. If you feel that we have not lived up to our own high standards, or that our service did not meet your expectations, then we would welcome your feedback.

Customer complaint / dispute resolution process

Customer complaints will be addressed via the 'CPD Complaint/Dispute Resolution Process' - details of which can be found in your Departmental Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or LOA (Local Operating Agreement).

Supplier complaints

Full details of CPD's formal and informal supplier complaints procedure can be found in the CPD Complaints Procedure.


We will take steps to ensure that our services and buildings are accessible to all our customers and suppliers and we will do our best to cater for those with additional needs or whose first language is not English.

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