CPD New Work Request Form

Date published: 14 October 2019

Last updated: 27 February 2024

In this section CPD Supplies and Services Division has provided forms and guidance for public sector clients wishing to submit a work request. 

New Work Request Form

The 'New Work Request Form' (WRNEW01) is used to initiate a new procurement for supplies or services.

Clients should complete the WRNEW01 online form. Your draft Specification should accompany the completed form (view guidance on writing Specifications). A helpful guide is provided to explain important sections of the form. 

Before submitting your work request form, it is essential that you have read and considered the document entitled : CPD Important Guidance on Completing the New Work Request Form.

G-Cloud 13 Procurements

As of the 1st March 2023, if your requirement is for ICT and you wish to use G-cloud 13 you should refer to the document G-Cloud Search Template.

Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Frameworks.

IF you have identified a CCS Framework as the preferred route to market (ie G-Cloud, DOS,etc) and the value of your requirement is in excess of £30k you must contact CPD for advice before proceeding.

For all other IT requirements you should contact your IT Assist Account Manager at the following address who can advise if an external procurement is required ITAssist.AccountManagement@finance-ni.gov.uk

If you have any queries, please contact the ICT Procurement Team via ictworkrequests.cpd@finance-ni.gov.uk.

If you have never been involved in a procurement before,  read our helpful Client Journey guide to understand your role and responsibilities. 

Existing Contract Work Request Form

The 'Existing Contract Work Request Form' (WREX01) is used to request CPD Supplies and Services Division (SSD) to provide advice or facilitate a variation to an existing contract. 

WREX01 form is available at the following link. On line WREX01

Direct Award Contracts

The DAC form is required for a customer requesting procurement advice from Construction & Procurement Delivery (CPD) in respect of a Direct Award Contract (also known as Single Tender Action).

DAC form available at the following link On line DAC - Direct Award Contract

Preparing for security clearance for future contractors

The 'Security Clearance Notification' form provided below is for clients to complete and issue to their Assistant Departmental Security Officer. 

Planning pre-market engagement

A template is also provided below to help you design a 'Pre-Market Engagement Questionnaire'. Engaging with the market at an early stage is helpful to inform your approach to the procurement and identify innovative products or services currently available. 

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