Business Case Pro Formas

Date published: 28 October 2020

Last updated: 18 July 2024


These business case pro formas and templates can be used to aid the appraisal of expenditure proposals.


The documents below are based on HM Treasury Better Business Cases guidance and, if appropriate, follow the Five Case Model for preparing business cases. These have been produced as general aids to the business case process. With this in mind, DoF encourages departments to adapt and tailor these to suit their own specific needs as appropriate – this can mean departments applying expenditure thresholds to their customised pro forma, if considered more appropriate to their own needs and requirements.

As a broad guide to assist departments with determining their approach to use of pro formas, the “minor” general BC pro forma may be useful for very low value, straightforward and low risk proposals, which could include business as usual and repeat expenditure, and for which detailed option analysis would be deemed superfluous to the expenditure decision. Broadly speaking also, for proposals that are relatively low value and risk, but where there could be various options to appraise and there is uncertainty in decision-making, the pro forma for “moderate” spend may be useful. The business case template for “major” expenditure, which is primarily an Outline Business Case template, may be used for appraising larger scale/more complex proposals which carry greater risk – this is likely to include proposals of several million pounds and over, including those above DoF delegated limits. The intention with introducing the template is to provide structure for these larger cases and avoid disproportionate effort by keeping appraisers focussed on the key requirements of such business cases.

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