Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Inquiry

The Independent Public Inquiry into the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Scheme (the RHI Inquiry) was established in January 2017 by the Minister of Finance, Máirtín Ó Muilleoir. The purpose of the RHI Inquiry was to investigate and report on the RHI scheme and make observations as considered appropriate.

The RHI Inquiry published its report in March 2020.  All findings and recommendations were accepted by the NI Executive.

Ministers agreed the establishment of an Executive Subcommittee on Reform Following the RHI Inquiry, which met during 2020 and 2021;  the Executive agreed its official response to the Inquiry, which was published in October 2021.

As recommended by the RHI Inquiry, the NI Audit Office tracked progress by the Executive and NI Civil Service in implementing the recommendations from the RHI Inquiry up to September 2021.  The NIAO reported in March 2022

The Department of Finance conducted a further monitoring review of implementation in 2023.

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