What can PME involve?

PME engagement can be informal or formal and can include multiple stages.

Formal PME is often undertaken with support of a procurement professional.  In both instances a record of the engagement undertaken must be retained for audit trail purposes in accordance with of the Procurement Act 2023 Section 98 (record keeping).

As best practice, you may include the outcome of your engagement in your tender notice or tender documentation, to ensure that all suppliers have access to the same information and that you meet the procurement objectives of sharing of information and treating suppliers the same.

Examples of formal PME can include:

  • Questionnaire issued via eTendersNI for completion by interested suppliers
  • Supplier days
  • Site visits – opportunity to see potential solutions in practice, alternately, suppliers may visit the client site to understand their requirements better.
  • Product demonstrations
  • Workshops
  • Presentations
  • One-to–one meetings

Limited or informal market engagement could be:

  • Consultation with existing suppliers*
  • Selective engagement*

*If this type of engagement is undertaken the publication of a preliminary market engagement notice (for those requirements that exceed the relevant threshold) is required to notify the market of the activities taken place, to ensure transparency or provide reasons the tender notice for not doing so.

You should ensure when engaging with the market that suppliers participating are not put at an unfair advantage, the competition is not otherwise distorted and have regard of acting and being seen to act with integrity (transparency requirement and equal treatment).

There is no set timescale for undertaking PME, but you should ensure all interested suppliers have sufficient time to prepare, participate and that it is proportionate to the scope and scale of the requirement.

Further information

For public sector customers in the NICS departments or agencies, a helpful  course on carrying out preliminary market engagement is available from Centre for Applied Learning - find out more on the Links system. 

Advice and guidance can also be provided by CPD.

For other public sector officials, ask your Centre of Procurement Expertise for advice. 

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