S75 Policy Screening - Cost Cap Floor Breach Rectification and Adjustments to Employee Pension Contributions Nov 18

Date published: 13 December 2018

The attached policy screening documents relate to proposals to rectify the cost cap floor breach of 4.9% identified in the provisional valuation results for the Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Schemes as at 31 March 2016; to address the impact of retrospective pay awards and other arrears payments on employee pension contributions; and to address anomalies requiring adjustments in employee pension contribution thresholds.

The Department of Finance is consulting with all Civil Service Trade Unions on proposals to rectify the cost cap floor breach and employee pension contributions with effect from 1 April 2019 and seeks their views on the proposals set out in the consultation paper available at:

Consultation on Rectification of Cost Cap Floor Breach and Adjustments to Employee Pension Contributions Effective from 1 April 2019

The consultation with Civil Service Trade Unions closes at 5pm on 18 January 2019.

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