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2408 publications

This section contains the 2015-16 Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) and illustrative accounts proformas.

Published 05 January 2016Guidance literature

This section contains the DFP Minister's official response to PAC reports - MOR issued in 2015.

Published 21 December 2015Corporate reports

Statement to the Assembly by the Finance Minister, Arlene Foster MLA 

Published 17 December 2015Speeches and statements

This page contains documents in relation to the Northern Ireland Investment Fund.

Published 04 December 2015Impact assessments

This page lists current FDs issued by DFP in 2015. The letters are listed in reverse chronological order.

Published 25 November 2015Guidance literature

The use of external consultants can bring an expertise which existing members of staff may not have, an additional resource when it is not available internally, or can provide an independent view or assessment when required. 

Published 20 November 2015Financial plans and reports

Publication of agreed minutes from the Investment for Growth and Jobs Programmes Monitoring Committee meetings.

Published 12 November 2015Agendas and minutes

Documentation relating to the 2015 pay award for non-industrial staff and senior civil service (SCS).

Published 10 November 2015Guidance literature

This document provides information on the weighted scoring method for appraising non-monetary costs and benefits.

Published 05 November 2015Guidance literature

Some common errors happen during economic appraisals. It's important to be aware of what they are so you can avoid making mistakes.

Published 05 November 2015Guidance literature

This document provides information on the basics of discounting, a technique used to compare costs and benefits that occur in different time periods.

Published 05 November 2015Guidance literature

This document provides an introduction to VFM concepts and definitions.

Published 05 November 2015Guidance literature

The tables in this document show discount factors. Discounting is a technique used to compare costs and benefits that occur in different time periods. The discount rate is used to convert all costs and benefits to ‘present values’, so that they can be compared.

Published 05 November 2015Guidance literature

Annual reports can be destroyed after five years.

Published 28 October 2015Guidance literature

Information relating to the 2014 pay award for industrial staff.

Published 26 October 2015Guidance literature

These documents provide details of the District Rate Convergence Scheme Discounts and also Domestic and Non-Domestic Rating examples.

Published 19 October 2015Research and analysis

This page contains the NI net fiscal balance report for 2012-13 and 2013-14.

Published 16 October 2015Financial plans and reports


This review emerged for an innovation lab in June 2015. The Finance Minister has now agreed to the publication of the terms of reference for the review.


Published 14 October 2015Research and analysis

In this section you can download documents that explain the Construction & Procurement Delivery (CPD) approach to engaging with supplies and services stakeholders, and the communication strategy for collaborative procurement. 

Published 12 October 2015Guidance literature

This document sets out the main principles which will apply to the in-year monitoring of public expenditure during the financial year 2014-15.

Published 16 September 2015Guidance literature

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