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2398 publications

This booklet provides a guide to enable you to make your
choice of pension. It may not cover every aspect. The full
details are contained only in the regulations, which are the
legal basis of the scheme.

Published 08 October 2019Guidance literature

Key Features of the Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Schemes

Published 08 October 2019Guidance literature

In this section, view and download further contract information for users of the arrangement for Energy Market Advisory Services. 

Published 08 October 2019Guidance literature

In this section, view and download further contract information for users of the arrangement for supply of biomass fuel. 

Published 02 October 2019Guidance literature

This statement provides an update on the McCloud litigation on transitional protections in public service pension schemes and the implications for the devolved schemes in Northern Ireland.

Published 01 October 2019Notices

The purpose of this information note, issued in October 2019, was to clarify the implementation of requirements for nearly zero-energy buildings, with respect to regulation 43B, while the Department worked to increase standards.

Published 01 October 2019Circulars

Report by the Scheme Actuary - Advice on Assumptions

Published 19 September 2019Independent reports

Report by the Scheme Actuary - Results of the 2012 Actuarial Valuation 

Published 19 September 2019Independent reports

Report by the Scheme Actuary - Experience Data Report

Published 19 September 2019Independent reports

Report by the Scheme Actuary - Report on Methodology

Published 19 September 2019Independent reports

Report by the Scheme Actuary - Report on Membership Data

Published 19 September 2019Independent reports

Report by the Scheme Actuary - Advice on Assumptions

Published 19 September 2019Independent reports

Report by the Scheme Actuary - Report on Membership Data

Published 18 September 2019Independent reports

This section contains government financial reporting manual (FReM) exposure drafts and consultations.

Published 17 September 2019Consultation reports

The Contract Notice and Contract Award Notice originally published in the Official Journal of the European Union for this arrangement, are available to view below. 

Published 16 September 2019Notices

In this section view and download further contract information for users of the contract for security and ancillary services.

Published 09 September 2019Contract management

In this section view the User Protocol for the security and ancillary collaborative arrangements for the NI public sector. 

Published 09 September 2019Guidance literature

This guide tells you about the compensation benefits available under the Civil Service Compensation Scheme (Northern Ireland) if your employer runs a voluntary exit scheme.

Published 05 September 2019Guidance literature

Pension Choices Form - giving you the choice of either alpha or partnership scheme. The booklet compares the costs and benefits for both so that you can choose one that suits you best.


Published 04 September 2019Forms

This leaflet provides an outline for scheme members of how the internal dispute resolution (IDR) procedures work in the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) pension schemes.

Published 04 September 2019Guidance literature

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