Commercial Delivery Group

CDG provides the Department of Finance (DoF) P3O service and acts as the lead P3O supporting a network of P3Os across the NICS.  

The group undertakes data collection on all Major Programmes and Projects across the Northern Ireland public sector and provides reports to the DoF Departmental Board and the NICS Board.

The group has been tasked with helping to develop capacity and capability across the Project Delivery profession (PD) and provides advice and support on learning and development to improve project delivery.  Recently Senior Responsible Owner (SRO), project management and contract management networks have been established to offer support to these communities.

The CDG also facilitates the Gateway assurance process for the Northern Ireland public sector and provides assurance advice on Programmes and Projects to SROs, Accounting Officers and Project Teams.

The group provides Internal Peer Review training and also facilitates SRO Masterclasses.


Gateway and Assurance

DoF Commercial Delivery Group (CDG) is responsible for facilitating Gateway reviews and other assurance products across NICS Departments and their ALBs. Assurance provides programmes and projects with independent and objective oversight of their delivery to time, quality, and budget.

Programme and Project Management

Programme and Project Management are structured frameworks for defining and undertaking change. They provide a framework for implementing policy and business strategies to enable government and organisations to achieve outcomes and benefits of strategic importance.

Portfolio, Programme, and Project Office (P3O)

Portfolio, Programme, and Project Offices (P3Os) are designed to provide a decision-enabling/delivery support structure for all change within an organisation.

Project Delivery Profession

The Project Delivery Profession (PDP) helps those involved in project delivery across the NICS and associated ALBs. It aims to improve their capability by providing clear roles, career pathwayscompetencies, and self-assessment resources.

Policy & Guidance

On this page you will find links to relevant NICS Policy & Guidance that mandates engagement with the Gateway process, and other useful information and policy for programme and project teams to consider.

Commercial Delivery Group: Training & Support

On this page you will find information on the training and support provided by the DoF Commercial Delivery Group (CDG) alongside information on other learning opportunities. If you would like to enquire about eligibility, costs or register for any of the courses please use the contact details provided. These courses are open to people within the NICS Departments and associated ALBs.

Related to Commercial Delivery Group

Access to information

How to request information from the Department of Finance including Freedom of Information (FOI) and the use of our Publication Scheme.

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