Housing stock statistics

Land & Property Services (LPS) provides a valuation for all properties in Northern Ireland which are subject to rates, this includes providing and maintaining a valuation list for all properties in Northern Ireland - domestic and non domestic.

What are Housing stock statistics?

In line with The Rates (Northern Ireland) Order 1977, Housing Stock is defined as a count of properties which are valued as domestic or mixed for the purposes of rating. This refers to properties in the Valuation List which are used for the purposes of a private1 dwelling. This excludes caravans, domestic garages, domestic stores and car parking spaces. 

1 Private refers to a self-contained dwelling and not the ownership or build type of the dwelling. Housing Stock includes both social sector and private sector dwellings in the Valuation List.

Latest statistics

In April 2024, the total housing stock in Northern Ireland was 835,988.

The tables in the link below show:

  • housing stock by property type in each of the 11 district councils at April each year 2008 to 2024
  • housing stock by property type in each of the 462 electoral wards in Northern Ireland at April each year 2008 to 2024
  • housing stock by property type in each NISRA Super Output Area in Northern Ireland at April each year 2008 to 2024
  • Annual Housing stock statistics 2008 - 2024

Future updates

These tables will be updated annually in June.

Page updated: 5 June 2024

Revisions to published statistics

Annual figures may be revised, if necessary. Any revisions from the figures published in the previous year will be detailed at the bottom of the relevant table.

Housing stock quality assurance of administrative data

Land & Property Services (LPS) publishes the NI Housing Stock statistics each year. The information is presented by local government district.

Published: 3 June 2020

Contact us

Responsible Statistician: Ciara Cunningham

Email: lps.statisticsbranch@finance-ni.gov.uk


Related to Housing stock statistics

Access to information

How to request information from the Department of Finance including Freedom of Information (FOI) and the use of our Publication Scheme.

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