Lone Pensioner Allowance (LPA) and Disabled Person's Allowance (DPA) statistics

Land & Property Services (LPS) process applications from ratepayers for Lone Pensioner Allowance (LPA) and Disabled Person's Allowance (DPA). These statistics provide information on the number of persons and net amount awarded each year in Northern Ireland.

Lone Pensioner Allowance (LPA)

Ratepayers aged 70 or over who live alone may be entitled to 20 per cent discount on their rates. LPS process applications from ratepayers who own their own home whilst the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE) process applications from ratepayers who rent their homes.

LPS hold details on individual awards of LPA made by LPS and on the total amount of LPA awarded by NIHE.

Latest statistics

As of 31 March 2024, 35,020 owner-occupiers were awarded LPA totalling £8,464,649 across Northern Ireland.

The number of people and the net amount of LPA awarded from 2010 to 2024 by district council, for those owning their own home, is provided in the link below. Information from the NIHE on those who rent their own home is also provided.

Disabled Person's Allowance (DPA)

Where a property has been suitably adapted or has additional features to accommodate a disabled person's special needs, a ratepayer may be entitled to 25 per cent discount in their rates in the form of disabled persons allowance. DPA is an application based relief which is not means tested.

Latest statistics

As of 31 March 2024, there were 12,295 properties where DPA was awarded, totalling £4,687,743 across Northern Ireland.

The number of properties in receipt of DPA and net amount awarded, from 2010 to 2024 by district council is provided in the link below:

Future updates

These tables will be updated annually in May.

Page last updated: 29 May 2024

Revisions to published statistics

Annual figures may be revised, if necessary. Any revisions from the figures published in the previous year will be detailed at the bottom of the relevant table.

Quality Reports

This section provides information on the quality of data used to produce the LPA and DPA statistics.

Contact us

Responsible Statistician: Louise McVitty
Email: lps.statisticsbranch@finance-ni.gov.uk

More useful links


Related to Lone Pensioner Allowance (LPA) and Disabled Person's Allowance (DPA) statistics

Access to information

How to request information from the Department of Finance including Freedom of Information (FOI) and the use of our Publication Scheme.

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