General information for pensioners
As a pensioner, you are still a member of the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) Pension schemes, and we have designed this section of the website to keep you up-to-date with things that might interest you.
Yearly newsletter
You can access yearly pensioners newsletters below:
Previous issues of our Pensioners Newsletter can be obtained by contacting our Communications Team
Pension changes
Every time there is a change in the gross annual rate of your pension, for example, pensions increase, a change in your PAYE tax code notified by HM Revenue and Customs, or a change in other deductions made, this will be shown on your next monthly advice note.
Give As You Earn (GAYE)
If you wish to contribute to a charity directly from your NICS pension you can do so through CAF Give As You Earn (GAYE). To contribute or update your charitable donation to CAF/GAYE please access the link proivided below and follow the instructions:
If you are re-employed in the Northern Ireland Civil Service (NICS) or by an employer covered by the NICS pension schemes, depending upon the precise terms of your re-employment, the pension benefits you get may be reduced or fully suspended. This is known as abatement.
Therefore, before you accept re-employment, you should contact us to see how your pension would be affected.
Death and dependants’ pensions
In the event of your death, your next of kin or personal representative should notify us as soon as possible, quoting your pension reference number. We will then issue an application form for any eligible widow/er, surviving civil partner, children or other dependant to claim a pension.
Any benefits overpaid because we are not aware of your death or change of entitlement must be refunded. In the event of your death, we will tell your next of kin or personal representative of any amount overpaid and will seek recovery.
Death benefit nominations
You have probably already nominated someone or an organisation to receive any lump sum payable when you die. You can make, change or cancel such a nomination after you start drawing your pension. To get the relevant form, you will need to either contact us or download it from the CSP(NI) website.
Find out more
For further information contact Civil Service Pensions (NI). You can find their number in the contact us section.