Risks and Issues – Lessons Learned
Below is a list of lessons learned relating to Risks and Issues, taken from a selection of recently completed programmes and projects across the NICS.
Issue 1 - A robust assessment of risks was not included in every business case.
Recommendation 1 - Each project should have its own Risk Register.
Issue 2 - This project aimed to procure a service and integrate it with an existing service and infrastructure. The Design Review was lacking for integration of new and old systems.
Recommendation 2 - Design documents should be issued well ahead of Design Reviews; a comprehensive risk register, introduced early, could have highlighted issues.
Issue 3 - No formal risk management process in place for some aspects of the project.
Recommendation 3 - Ensure formal risk management processes are in place for the whole project, including a risk register that is monitored and updated on a regular basis.
Issue 4 - A joint risk register was developed later in the project.
Recommendation 4 - A Joint Risk Register should be developed at the start of the project and reviewed regularly so there is a shared understanding of the risks and issues facing the project.
Industry guidance/ further reading
PRINCE2, Managing successful projects with PRINCE2, 6th edition (2017), chapter 10.
APM, APM Body of Knowledge, 7th edition (2019), sections 4.2.2., 4.2.3., 4.3.3. and 4.3.5.
Commercial Delivery Group’s Programme and Project Management hub: Programme and project risk management | Department of Finance (finance-ni.gov.uk) & Programme and project issues management | Department of Finance (finance-ni.gov.uk)