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2408 publications

In this section, view and download user protocol information for users of the contract for postal services.

Published 28 November 2018Guidance literature

Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Board (NICSPB) meeting notes.

Published 22 November 2018Agendas and minutes

This document provides some general guidance on common rectification and amendment situations.

Published 20 November 2018Guidance literature

This page list current DAOs issued by DoF in 2018. The letters are listed in reverse chronological order. The most recent publication is DAO (DoF) 04/18 - fraud proofing guidance.

Published 19 November 2018Guidance literature

The 'Specification' document for the contract for brokerage, engineering and inspection services is available below. 

Published 19 November 2018Guidance literature

View the CPD Supplier Code of Conduct below.

Published 14 November 2018Guidance literature

Annual workplan for NICS Pension Board

Published 13 November 2018Business plans

Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Board (NICSPB) meeting notes.

Published 13 November 2018Agendas and minutes

Please use the links below to see the Land & Property Services (LPS) Registration publications.

Published 09 November 2018Guidance literature

In this section view further contract information for users of the NI public sector shared network project. 

Published 09 November 2018Guidance literature

The location map for Clare House is available to download below.


Published 08 November 2018Maps

This is your guide to the range of benefits to which you may be entitled as a member of classic.

Published 06 November 2018Guidance literature

Effective Pension Age (EPA) - Option to Buy Application forms - alpha. Hard copy and electronic forms.

Published 26 October 2018Forms

Effective Pension Age (EPA ) - Option Cancellation forms - alpha (to cancel payments) - Hard copy and electronic forms.

Published 26 October 2018Forms

This section contains precedents to help you to prepare applications for registration in the Land Registry. It is aimed primarily at those who undertake registered conveyancing, such as solicitors and mortgage lenders.

Published 25 October 2018Forms

In this section view the User Protocol guidance and Account Setup Form for users of the arrangement for supply of biomass fuel. 

Published 02 October 2018Contract management

This section provides communications issued in relation to the NICS/CSO Voluntary Exit Scheme: Substantive Grade 6 Senior Principal Legal Officers (Civil) and Senior Legal Assistants.

Published 26 September 2018

NICS People Strategy 2018 - 2022

Published 26 September 2018Development plan/framework

NICS Internal Audit Services are committed to protecting your privacy when you use our services. The privacy information provided below explains how NICS IA Services uses information about you and the ways in which we will safeguard your data.

Published 17 September 2018Legislation and regulations

This policy screening document relates to the Public Service Pensions (Valuations and Employer Cost Cap) (Amendment) Directions (Northern Ireland) 2018.

Published 14 September 2018Impact assessments

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