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2398 publications

The budget briefing document below sets out a number of scenarios. The scenarios are not proposed budget settlements and no decisions have yet been taken.

Published 18 December 2017Financial plans and reports

Use the forms and guidance below to redeem your ground rent.

Published 07 December 2017Forms

This template will help you structure a supplies or services specification.

Remember if you are submitting a New Work Request Form to CPD, your draft specification should accompany the completed form.

Published 20 November 2017Guidance literature

Northern Ireland Budget 2017-18

Published 13 November 2017Financial plans and reports

Public task relates to our core role and functions. Our core role and functions may be statutory, or established through custom and practice.

Published 10 November 2017Policy papers

Northern Ireland Civil Service Pension Board (NICSPB) meeting notes.

Published 18 October 2017Agendas and minutes

This page lists current FDs issued by DoF in 2017. The letters are listed in reverse chronological order. The most recent publication is FD (DoF) 08/17 - guidance on the use of professional services including consultants.

Published 16 October 2017Guidance literature

Use the forms below if you wish to publish or reprint a publication based directly or indirectly on OSNI IP or to copy such OSNI IP in the revision of a publication (including on the internet).

Published 10 October 2017Forms

The Department of Finance has undertaken a review of the effects of the provisions of the Public Service Pensions Act (Northern Ireland) 2014 (the Act). The review is a requirement of section 10(9) of the Act itself:

Published 03 October 2017Legislation and regulations

Cladding or re-cladding of buildings

Published 26 September 2017Legislation and regulations

Please find below the Contract notice in the UK Gov Find a Tender for the framework to provide classified and recruitment advertising placement services for the NI public sector

Published 25 September 2017Notices

Documentation relating to the 2017 pay award for industrial and non-industrial staff and the senior civil service (SCS).

Published 25 September 2017Guidance literature

The DoF Equality Scheme sets out how the Department is committed to meeting its statutory obligations on the promotion of equality and good relations under Section 75 of the northern ireland Act 1998. Our Section 75 Action Plan details known key inequalities which relate

Published 21 September 2017Consultation reports

The DoF Disability Action Plan sets out how the Department proposes to fulfill the duties under Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in relation to its functions.

Published 21 September 2017Consultation reports

The Department’s Equality Scheme commits the Department to submitting a formal review of progress, on an annual basis, to the Equality Commission, setting out the action taken to fulfil its Section 75 commitments.

Published 21 September 2017Consultation reports

The Department of Finance (DoF) is committed to providing a high standard of service at all times.

Published 12 September 2017Guidance literature

Information on self harm and managing work related stress for individuals and line managers.

Published 08 September 2017Guidance literature

In accordance with the agreed Terms of Reference for the Pension Board, the Board will report annually on its work, providing assurance as required and ensuring the effective administration of the scheme.

Published 07 September 2017Corporate reports

Many contracts involve contractors entering government buildings or working with government data. If this is the case, you must notify CPD of the appropriate level of security clearance that will be required by the contractor. 

Published 23 August 2017Guidance literature

Please use the links below to see the LPS Complaints procedure.

Published 18 August 2017Policy papers

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